
In the US system in which we live, all the resources are vacuumed up and funneled to the top most wealthy among us. This is the exact opposite of the way nature works where everything moves from abundant places and gives to those in need.

Human beings are living in the exact opposite way of the rest of the natural world in which they live and upon which they depend.

Humans are extracting continuously with very little offered in return of reciprocity to the rest of the planet that gives to us.

Workers cannot afford to buy the very vehicles that they build and even Henry Ford knew this wasn’t a good business plan. Workers who clean hotel rooms can’t afford to stay in them when they “vacation” …and often they never get a vacation.

Why is there such a need for glitzy opulence? Is that not the disease we should be working to heal?

Many of us return to the land when we need healing or break from the system of wage slavery and constant productivity. Is it only those wealthy wealthy at the top who require more and more opulence as “healing”?

✔️ Tao 77 for more on this.

We’re just returning to the HARN from a “vacation” – or, as every day is really vacation when you’re retired, we’re just returning home from visiting?

We checked in with good friends long not seen in person with a visit to Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage where things continue to beautify.

And we had great check-ins with family in Indiana and Ohio too celebrating a marriage and giving hugs to long missed relatives. Good long hugs.🩷

We were happy for the curiosity of a few who enjoyed our silliness. And we’re blessed this week with a beautiful video (esp @9:30) that shares more eloquently what I’m feeling of late. 🫧

Scary Grandpa Elf and the (barely) Huggable Girl Elf