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I’ve been at an Anishinaabe law conference for the last couple days so I’m posting this blog a day later than usual. Yesterday had such unexpected good news, especially for an independent journalist, that it will be my focus.

Julian Assange walked out of Belmarsh prison yesterday!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍

I was completely overwhelmed. Now to the details (as of yesterday, it seemed Glenn had the best summarization).

And now, 23 years later, we know all the 9/11 “news” was propaganda (read: lies) and nothing was done to prevent the attack on New York. It was, in fact, a set-up.

{Read about PNAC maybe? That’s how I discovered the truth, way back as the whole thing was being planned for execution; before the twin towers we’re demolished. A perfect controlled implosion. And Bush was the perfect divider… so we focused on him and the dumb things… and the heroes who saved so many (and only recently we’re compensated for their sacrifice, that killed so many of them before they would see any recompense. And Americans never rose up to get real truth because the congressional systems are divided so well now too and they’ve got a great system for investigations… that all work in the favor of lies. Consider the 9/11 Commission a sister to the Warren Commission? [Think Commission of crimes? So, what are out Commissioners up to?] We no longer have statesmen (not even with the addition of stateswomen)who serve the people by building relationships on common goals. Our divided government has been dysfunctional for years now and we see the results all around is. Our own crumbling infrastructure, poverty, lack of health care and education.. yet we can send billions to Ukraine (read: Northrup Grumman and Raytheon) in the name of “democracy” and that send ridiculous because do they want crumbling infrastructure, uneducated children, impoverished families like we have? I’m pretty certain they don’t want the path America has carved for them to get there… bombed infrastructure, terrified children, rape and pillage as war always brings. How can we buy this bullshit any longer? I mean, wasn’t it recently, 60 years after the fact, that we learned that the biggest conspiracy theory of the decades was actually true? They confirmed that the CIA had actually assassinated President Kennedy. And what was our reaction? Pretty nil. If we can accept that the peacenik president was assassinated at the hands of our government agency, just after Ike warned of the takeover of our country by the military industrial complex, and just go about our days as if that’s all a-ok, then perhaps we are earning the seemingly likely Trump presidency to come. Our subjugation is complete. So they keep lying. More and more arrogantly. Read this old blog for more on that and watch for next week’s deep dive of the history: a DanRant. (Link to come.)

And now we’re seeing a domino effect of revelations… From the water in Flint to the news of all the lies during the days of Covid, which for many of us has completely changed our lives. We’re seeing truth. Yet, they’ve assured it’s coming from a place we’ll reject it still? (Hawley & MTG) Hoping both Republicans and Democrats continue drinking the commercial media narratives that all parrot each other regardless of state or city, all using the same headlines .. and we think we retain a 4th estate?

We’re at a point now where commercial media is literally telling us we didn’t see what we just saw or hear what we just heard. Yet we all know that we did. They use sound bites and bits of tiny truths to create larger narratives that create a false sense of reality for most Americans on the nightly “News.” (Feinstein being told how to vote, mini-stroke Mitch, and now frozen Joe.)]

The Empire is being outed. The bipartisan cover-up is clear that our government management is not working for The People. Were they always working Only for the elites’ extractive and destructive profits?

The US Empire is being ousted as African and other colonized places force removal of the military occupiers and are no longer working with the US dollar as a base for their economy.

I’d suggest that maybe we prepare to become the isolated embargoed nation as we have done to so many others before us. A bit of karma coming home for us as we see karma coming home for Israel… as they lose all of their sympathy worldwide due to their own atrocious imperialistic behavior?

Hyper-inflation will likely continue to be the answer from our government managers, completely fixed on profits, not people, as they are. So perhaps do your best to prepare for lean times? Simplify your needs and focus on basics?

More importantly, build relations within your community. Provide what you can to those in need and, in a functional society, we can together help everyone meet their needs. We certainly cannot rely on the government managers who seem to be working only to reduce the number of us “non-essential” (read: not millionaires) personnel.

They call us citizens. So we can’t say they didn’t warn us who we were as non-essentials. A citizen is simply a legally recognized subject of the state.

And what is a subject?

A person under the control of a jurisdiction, typically by using force.

And what is a jurisdiction?

The official power to make legal decisions and judgments regarding subjects.

If you think America offers freedom, you’ve eaten the poison apple of propaganda that is truly domination. Do we not see the Guardians of the newly recognized Space Force as the ones in the clouds watching us…. complete with pop-culture uniforms, logos, flags, and names that will make them feel fun and recognizable as friendly to the very citizens that they are guarding on behalf of the Empire? Do we really think all the manufacturing robots and those assistants that look more and more like humans are meant for our comforts? At present they’re stealing our jobs and in the future they may very well be the ones “guarding” us… again…on behalf of the Empire.

I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be writing a lot more about domination in the near future. I’ve had quite the deepened understanding of law and history following the Niibi Center Anishinaabe law conference. 🤓

Here’s to the great turning that appears to be bringing truth. Perhaps as we find truth, we may, if we’re open and diligent, discover the solidarity and community to also, finally, achieve freedom.